Follies, Issues

Bored, Bro? Cooped Up Caregiver? + CDC guidelines for hunkering down

Aren’t you sitting pretty, doing some home caregiving while the rest of the world might be going into a bit of a shutdown?  You home / family caregivers have been dealing with “splendid isolation” for awhile now, but new ideas about “social distancing” just might make one a bit stir-crazy with cabin fever.

The CDC wants people with possible infections to “just go to your room and stay there!” (to paraphrase): more on that below.

Home caregivers tend to be a resourceful bunch, so you may know about some of the distractions listed here. We’re not likely to watch the Big Drama of “The Bachelor” here; “The Ellen Show” is fun, but there are only so many.

You probably know about downloading audio or ebooks from the library.  Old Guy recommendations: PG Wodehouse is hilarious and Patrick O’Brian is action packed British navy in the Age of Sail.

If you have a good internet connection,  Curiosity Stream has thought provoking content and seems cheaper than the rest, but Disney + (plus) is fun for those of us who might have “Peter Pan Syndrome”: yeah, never growing up! [This blog is non-commercial, so it’s not a shill for those services, just personal opinions.]

Curiosity Stream had this documentary below, about neuroscientists having some of their own fun, nice to see if you’re helping with neurologic issues.  CS should get  kudos for “curating” this kind of thing, but it’s also on YouTube:



Our favorite virtuoso?  Pianist Yuja Wang!  Here she’s playing Prokofiev 3 in Berlin.

The VA recognizes the needs of caregivers, and put out a booklet of activities.  Caregiving Old Guy personally found it helpful.  Under an image to color: “Happiness is like a butterfly: The more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder.” Henry David Thoreau

Not going to Tokyo for the Olympics?  Why not train for the Caregiver Olympics?  It features some fun challenges like the Bed Linen Change Gymnastics event, and the Wheelchair Slalom!

If you wanna catch up on blogs, here are some lists of top Alzheimer blogs  and top Caregiver blogs. [Mine didn’t make it!?  Oh well]  There’s a nice blog about practical aspects of dementia, and one about assistive technology that Old Guy follows.

OK what does the CDC say about how do deal with respiratory illness and caregiving these days? It splits things into guidance for patients themselves and then for caregivers and family members dealing with a sick person in a home.  It does discuss a bit of confinement, handwashing of course and a role for masks and gloves, even mentions pets!  Best to read it here yourself.

All the best, everyone!

[image above public domain courtesy Pixabay]