Follies, Issues

Caregiving of Millennial Caregivers (huh? what? Yoda to Baby Yoda?)

YODA might say: “The Greatest Teacher, Failure Is”

Baby Yoda (as the endearing character in the The Mandalorian  has been called) doesn’t talk, but what would be the reply?  If they were both caregivers, what could they teach….each other?

The AARP estimates that there are already 10 million unpaid family caregivers, in their 20s and 30s, helping take care of older folks who need it.  Us Against Alzheimer’s held a recent seminar about it recently, mentioning millennials in the landscape of caregiving, and posted support suggestions and their audio.

PBS posted an article about the demographics influencing this trend, then describes the pressures on young adult family caregivers:  dealing with their own families, relationships, careers, income impact, and time impact.

So young people are admirably stepping forward to fill the gaps in caregiving needs.  But the world is changing so fast that little “tricks of the trade,” learned the hard way by Boomers, may no longer work, and may no longer apply to millennials.  No wonder Boomers get dismissed, despite good intentions.

Let’s consider Yoda, (“When nine hundred years old you reach, look as good you will not!”), still fighting his own battles, living in a seemingly disheveled YodaMan Cave, just the way he likes it, eating who knows what, but he still has something to teach, he does, maybe even wisdom.

One Yoda quote that’s kinda pertinent to inevitable caregiving frustration: “Anger, fear, aggression. The dark side are they. Once you start down the dark path forever will it dominate your destiny.” — Return of the Jedi.  Maybe Yoda is being dramatic with that forever bit, but frustrations can sure linger.

But a Baby Yoda or any young caregiver might take issue with Yoda’s famous dictum: “Do. Or do not. There is no try.” — The Empire Strikes Back .  Yes, one understands that Yoda is kinda saying: use everything you got to get it right, but of course there would be no nine-part movie saga if it were that easy!

So trying is important, even it doesn’t work right the first time, or is incomplete, or even fails. Spoiler alert!  Baby Yoda does try things, OK Boomer?  That’s part of the charm, and maybe Baby Yoda is teaching that trying is part of life. Maybe that’s how Baby Yoda understands what failure is.

“Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.”— The Empire Strikes Back .  The task of caregiving can be huge, overwhelming at times. As caregivers learn their craft, for the person who needs the caregiving the most, they must also learn to take care of themselves, and also understand the needs of younger family caregivers in the process.

May the Force Be With You!

(image: SoleneC1@Pixabay)