
The Chief Poisoner arrives…

The Chief Poisoner Will See You Now is a free chapbook collection of poems, ready to view on a device.

Some of the poems have appeared in JAMA, CDC Emerging Infectious Diseases, Neurology, BMJ Medical Humanities, Philosophy & Literature or other medical and literary journals.  Four of them have recorded readings listed in the Acknowledgements, including two CDC Podcasts.

The subjects touch on dementia, caregiving, COVID-19 and pediatric oncology.

To view on a pad, tablet or phone, click:

TCP vertical format 02.10.23

To print and make a DIY booklet, click:

TCP print format landscape columns 02.10.23

[Printing hints:  from Adobe Acrobat, get to the Print Commands Box (CMD-P on a Mac). The second box should be “Pages to Print.”  Leave the “All” button on, but open the “More Options” drop down menu.  Instead of “All Pages in Range”, select “Odd Pages Only”, then print.

Once done, take that stack of nine pages, keeping them in order, and re-feed them into the printer for the other side.  Recheck the orientation!  Then print “Even Pages Only.”  Collect and fold, voila!

The process was similar on Mac Pages with the same inkjet printer, but the orientation was different, and the “odd/even pages to print” are under the Print Command Box Pages or Layout dropdowns then the Paper Handling dropdown menu.]

Each is free, no strings attached.  Please share if so moved, or if you know a person who like poems.
