
Caregiving Old Guy: Not Heroic

Porsche Boxter in our driveway, pix by author

Many caregivers are undoubtedly heroic, doing what is necessary against terrible circumstances.  Folks have even graciously commented that CareGiving Old Guy (COG)  must be a hero, but  COG doesn’t feel that way.  COG is just a little cog in a machine that gets some things, and not all things, done.

In the Joseph Campbell construct, the hero starts as an ordinary person.  She or he has to go through many trials and tribulations, at one point  descending to the netherworld, surviving, and coming back changed to face down even bigger challenges.

COG has descended a bit, but not yet all the way, so COG doesn’t qualify to be a Joseph Campbell hero.

public domain, Wikimedia, Vogler/Campbell

For those so inclined, here’s a link to a 1000 word flash fiction story that is sort of in the hero’s quest genre…with no pronouns!

Of course, COG lives in the real world.  Since we survived 2020 healthwise and financially, despite using retirement funds to supplement Social Security, COG did unheroically  indulge himself with a new used car, a Porsche Boxter (above).

COG mentioned to certain persons that he was using their inheritance money!

It’s not British Racing Green, but it will do.  The steering is also stiff, but the wheels turn precisely. It may need a new paint job.  Do heroes make compromises on used cars?

Now I have to work on my New Year’s resolution of weight loss…if I ever hope to fit, since it’s a beauty at 1:18 scale (24 cm)!

Star Wars Hero Rey commandeers Boxter


  1. XX

    We had an MG midget for some years…..

    • Comment by post author


      I think MG invented British Racing Green, my favorite car color, and for many years I thought of getting a “kit car” MG to put on a VW Bug chassis.

      Not saying this happened to you, but so many folk thought it was a about real Porsche, not just a 9” toy, probably secretly envious of going out and popping for their own convertible! Of course, I did set it up to be a fooler, and to have fun with it, but even someone who wrote back and mentioned Star Wars (so they did see my Lego heroine, Rey) thought the car was real! LOL, CareGivingOldGuy